To make a will need one thrifted felted beautiful spring afternoon...
Keep the children busy...

Cut up your sweater and start stitching
freestyle! Watch out for the spring breeze, a couple of pebbles collected from rivers and beaches last year help to stop it all blowing away, especially the heart pattern designed by small people...

Relax and sip a refreshing drink in the spring sunlight whilst you stitch....

As the evening air brings a chill, bring in the little rascals and wash their muddy paws clean!

Settle down for a relaxed family supper with homemade pie...

After story time and the little ones are asleep, sew up the heart, add a label and string loop...stuff!!! One little rustic heart, a little nobbly and bobbly but with so much character holding in it the memories of the first warm day of the year...
I am busy preparing for tomorrow, one of my babes is going into hospital for an operation, we will be staying in overnight and he will need some time off school, so I am not sure when I will be able to pop in to say hello, but it will be soon...Until then...take care
Gosh you are getting more than your fair share of the good old NHS - hope all goes well for him
Lovely heart.. great recipe for making one. Take care, hope your little fellow will be OK!
I hope everything is ok?! At least he had a beautiful day to enjoy before he had to go!
What a sweet heart!
Hope he's ok and that the hospital stay is not too traumatic.
What a wonderful heart and what fun your boys are having too. Hope all is well with your little one, thinking of you
Very cute little heart! Good luck with the hospital trip!
Oh what a lovely, lovely blog! Thank you for visiting mine.
Hope your littlie's trip to hospital goes OK.
April xx
Great way to make a heart!
Meant to add good luck for tomorrow, wishing your little one a swift recovery.
Oh my, I hope your little one is on the mend soon.
That is a beautiful heart!
Hope goes well at the hospital.
Hi Suzie..hope all goes well..will be thinking of you all. Sal;-)
It would sure be fun to spend a day with you! Hope the operation goes very well, will be thinking of you.
Mud-tastic!!! What a fab way to spend the day. The heart is gorgeous too.
Hope all goes well with 'the visit'. xx
Oh my gosh - those feet!!
The heart is beautiful .... there's so much lovely felting going on at the moment, it looks so soft and squishable! (Lovely stitching too)
I hope your little one will be in and out of the hospital quickly and feeing better soon.
The heart look beautiful. Hope goes well with your little one.
Sweet post and a cute heart.Hope your baby get well soon.
Take care. x
Best wishes for the op. x Thank you for the heart tutorial, its fab! Take care x
Hope the operation goes well and you and your little one are okay. Lucy x
Hope little one is recovering well - the Suzie Sews household has had more than its share of ops I think - hope that means you won't have anymore to worry about for a long time.
Love the heart and the day that made it
How Darling! I love it.
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