I am trying so hard to remain positive and upbeat about all the changes going on around me. I am trying to have some sewing or knitting time each day just to keep me sane. First of all I can now report that I have accepted that summer is over, with great reluctance I must add. This might be down to the fact that our camper van needed to have the frost scraped of it the other morning and the next day I awoke to glorious sunshine, pulled on my shorts went outside to let the rabbit out and MAN!!! was it cold...The sun might have been shinning, but there was no strength to its rays. I eventually gave in and put on my wide legged linen trousers and a long sleeved top. Funny wearing clothes with legs and arms in them seems almost claustrophobic. I have spent some great mornings with my little one before he starts full time at school next Monday as he is still only (only she says) on half days. Everything we do seems bitter sweet, lots of this will be the last time!!!
Monday I went to my last National Childbirth Trust coffee mornings. I have been involved in this charity for over eight years and worked in many different roles. Both my children have been involved in the coffee mornings and the charity events...they really do have the T'shirts to prove it. Funny how something that was once so much a part of your life suddenly just stops and you move on to something else. My little one and I have spent time just relaxing, reading, baking, crafting and chatting. Did I mention thrifting yes we both love the little round of charity shops followed by a drink in our favourite tea shop to look at our prized goodies. Today he asked asked what I will do when he is at school...As you are aware (and possibly fed up with) I am not looking forward to it, I have been asked numerous times if am I going to get a job, or how am I going to fill the time, one kind person even suggested I needed a 'Project' to keep my mind off it all. Me a 'project' can you imagine...
Well yes I am going to find it very lonely without my little guys for company, I am sure I will also even miss the constant need for milk, loo trips, blowing noses etc... So with all this emotional stuff going on in my head I thought I would get a grip and take action...so finally I am making some 'House' plans. As time has gone on I have started to get more elaborate with my ideas and plans.
The main one is sorting out my sewing room (studio or as it is really known as...the play room)! I have previously posted pictures of my sewing area, and been very open about the fact that it is actually the children's playroom, the above picture is the reality of what I look at when I am sewing, the 'other' half of the room. Well its going to get transformed, its taken a lot of thought as I potentially have three rooms I could make my sewing room, obviously the other rooms have a purpose and its a case of juggling it all around to work. So after the beginning on next week I shall allow the Monday to be tearful and generally sad at the silence in the house then it 'Action stations'...
I bid you a very good and healthy weekend and the next time I write my role in life will be shifted, but Oh! I have great plans...
WIP update...I am working on a few Craft Fair products at the moment, wishing jars and more knitted mice, the Dino knitted sweater is getting the odd row done every so often, lots of sewing for gifts including a toy for the tooth fairy to take those precious teeth over to fairy land...I will post more next week plus my giveaway, as promised...
PHOTOGRAPHS: 1)Thrifted cake stand with new cup cake candles2)dishes off my Mom, eventually she gave them to me rather then bin them Yippee!3)This weeks thrifted goodness, yes I know I could have done it myself, it was the thought someone had spent so long knitting it and finished off with great care I felt I had to give it a home that would really appreciate it4)The reality that it the Sewing and playing room!!!
My mum had those self same pyrex dishes with that blue flower pattern - I wonder whatever happened to them - as for time on your own relish the thought of going to the loo on your own without accompaniment or assistance
I'm sure that you will come to love the time to yourself. It may be hard at first, but you finally get a chance to reclaim a bit of adulthood! And having more time to craft and knit and sew can't be all bad, either! Plus, think what a joy it will be when you pick the boys up from school and they have big smiles and are so happy to see you!
Good luck with next week - it does get better and I do quite like having my own time again - and it isn't all that long until 3.15! Your idea to get on with housey plans is a good one - the time will fly by! Take care, Lucy x
Gosh, I can so relate to the questions about 'what you're going to do with your time'...my little boy is at nursery 3 shortish mornings a week and even that amount of time I feel pressured to justify why I'm not doing something particular(other than crafting which doesn't seem to compute as 'doing something' to most other people).
I have a year left with him before he goes to school, and like you, I'm finding just the idea of it really hard - I like having him around and I don't feel ready to be a mum without a stay-at-home child in the near future...but focusing on turning the playroom into a sewing room sounds like a really exciting project (I'm very envious - I think it will be some years before I have a dedicated sewing room!).
Thanks for your comment on my blog this morning - it's always lovely to have a comment from someone new and to be able to follow a link to come and discover a new blog that I haven't seen before - full of interesting and lovely things :)
Hope you have fun in your new room. x
I'm going through it too, it's hard to get used to. I'm trying to keep busy and do little jobs everyday and crafting too of course. The house is so quiet, I think it's a matter of finding a new pattern for my days and not pushing it or forcing it. I'm enjoying the freedom for the first time in a long time and met a friend for lunch today and felt very decadent!
That sounds like a good idea to sort out the crafting/sewing room. I have a room, but it always ends up as the laudry and ironing dumping ground! Make it your space. Yummy cakes, and I can't wait to see what you have made for the craft fayre.
Just reread your post and spotted the NCT mention - they were a real godsend to me starting when I moved to a new town with a brand new 3 week old first baby and knowing no-one the other mums became my lifeline - Hurrah for NCT!!!
I just this morning bought a pan in the very same design as those pyrex dishes!
I have one more year until Kit starts school and already the questions are coming. It's as if I'll drop her off at the school gates and rush off to me high powered job - not likely! I've never felt the need to explain why I stay at home to look after my children, it's just right for me, and I want to pick them up every night and be with them in the hols for as long as I can. Also I feel like we deserve at bit of time at home alone once they go to school as a reward for all that hard work!!
Julia x
Can you read this through the inevitable tears? Hope that you get through today and remember that your "babe" will be having a great time today and will be looking foward to coming home to a "normal" (ie not crying!!) Mummy for cuddles and cakes this afternoon. I tried to start making a dressing gown for my middle child today whilst she is at nursery but only got as far as finding my fabric - i know the pattern is in a box somewhere, but goodness only knows where!
Rockin tea cosy.
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