I know I know, I am failing miserably in my blogging. Life is really just getting in the way. Adjusting to lots of new things going on around here and I am trying to go with the flow. Most days this happens, however every so often life just flaws me. I think you are aware that my life took a change in direction at the end of last year. So its a time for healing, adjusting and making changes. I have always viewed change as a good thing, so I assure myself in the long term all will be good. So as I cope with my life as a single Mom there are days when I just need a little head space to accept the past, present and future. I take comfort in my children, my creativity and my friends. Please forgive my sporadic posting whilst I get back my groove...
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Some head space.....
Posted by
Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED
Labels: family life
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Let them eat cake...
How quick the time goes... two weeks over with just like that. I have to confess to it all being a little hectic and possibly not really the weather I was hoping for. Yes I know the sun shone on most of England this past two weeks but sadly I seemed to have followed the clouds.It was all a bit mad, as it is when your with your children, managing play dates, cooking, serious crafty time and even getting some sleep in. Our little break away by the sea was filled with lots of wellie walks and the usual Blyton-ess adventures. Eating lots of yummy food and of course lots of chocolate eggs.
As for the Suzie Sews creativity, well that was a little slow on happening. Some stuff was made including some summer sewing and of course I knitted whist sheltering from the rain, this helped keep the clouds from dampening my spirits.
I spent time in the company of good friends and the children giggled their way through the days. A special visit to a friend to attend the Christening of her special little girl, and it was a real honour to become a Godmother to her. What a treat to be welcomed into the family and made to feel part of the gang.
So the children returned to school and to beat the post holiday blues I have been baking...raspberry and lime cake which came from the lovely Vintage Heaven. A little time spent pottering around in my kitchen without the endless juice runs, can I have something to eat, can you come in the garden and play etc... so suddenly the house is quite and as I sat with my afternoon tea the silence was deafening...
The children returned home in a whirl of excitement, chatting away and up to mischief. As they sat at the kitchen table and tell me the stories of their day I throw us a little supper together before they sleepily climb the stairs. Once again the balance is restored...
Posted by
Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED
Labels: Baking, family life
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Happy easter
Wishing you a very Happy Easter, yes spring has sprung, there is new life every place you look... its more than just budding its positively blooming... So the holidays are with us and its that time when I say Goodbye for a few days whilst I spend some quality time with my children. We have lots planned, as you would expect we are heading off towards the beach, the windbreak, buckets and BBQs are packed along with our woolly jumpers, because you just never know what the weather might bring us at this time of year.

So I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for a special time of year. A time of joy and sadness for all that Easter means.

Posted by
Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED
Labels: Easter, family life
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Friends and neighbours ...
Friends and neighbours ... how blessed I am to have them both and without them these last couple of days would have been very difficult. Its been rather an exciting and nail biting time, so if your sitting comfortably I will tell you a story to explain why the promised pictures of what is getting made at the Suzie Sews household are just not appearing... So it was the end of a busy day, the usual goings on here, school run, school assembly, swimming, lunch, housework, coffee with friends, school run, play dates then making supper for my family... As we all pottered around the kitchen I noticed a haze in the hall way, I went and opened the door to the smallest room in the house, I was greeted with a huge plume of smoke which overwhelmed me! I shouted the boys to come quick and we did our little fire escape route and met up on the front lawn. I rushed over to my 'more than capable neighbour' and in true Knight in Shining armour he rushed over and investigated the situation for us. Our Fuse box had gone up in smoke.
Posted by
Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED